Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Taking care of Baby

Alex and Avery were playing store today. They had a basket and a 'shopping list'. Alex was Mommy, Avery was Daddy. They had a blast going through the house. Finding items on the list. They had a dinosaur, red carpet, material, silly clay (silly putty), medals, and who knows what else. They went from room to room.. Daddy what else is on the list.. Ummm.. and Avery would pretend to read the paper they had and read off 'the list'. What an imagination. Soon they returned to being Alex and Avery when they started taking care of the baby. Who had to loose it clothes because it had a poopy accident.. and where did the clothes go? They found a wal-mart sac and tied it up with all of it inside...HMMMMM.... Avery said his baby was cold and it was hard to carry. So he brought me material and said he needed a sling. So I tied it around him, and put his baby inside.. Now he could eat his carrot, put his clothes away and so much more : ) Hope you enjoy the pics. The orange spot on the doll is silly clay.

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