Saturday, January 10, 2009

Emergency Room AGAIN>>>

There are days I wonder... does having 3 boys mean you end up at the emergency room at sometime or am I just lucky.
seems lately it is Alex's favorite spot. It was only few months ago we went to get stitches in his head after he got hit with a ball bat.
Now yesterday (Thursday) he was playing outside. Some cousins were playing volleyball nearby and a stray ball found him and his eye.
Can you tell which one? Yep the left (at least it was different side than the bat) Anyhow he played for awhile and really didn't think anything of it.
But then he started RUBBING it really bad. and crying and saying it hurt. He went into Grammy's and put a cool rag on it. Went to sleep..
and woke up screaming. Did this a few times in a hour. So I call the Dr. and an optomtrist. Since it's now after hours they say to take him to the ER. and get it looked at.
YEA.. just how I wanted to spend my evening.. so much for the Chicken soup in the crockpot. Off in the car we go.
Get there and get to a room real quick : )
Then they put some stuff in look at the eye and yep there is the plain as day without a doubt problem. He has a big tear in the cornea.
He is very very sleepy. and doesn't want to talk to us at all. So the doc says since this a 2nd blow to the head in a few months He wants a CAT scan just to be safe.
Okay.. So they want to give him some med. They say it might make him drowsy so I ask questions the kid is already asleep and not wanting to wake up.. Why do I need him more drowsy. It was basically to knock him out for the CAT scan. Seems kids don't know how to be still for one IT'S IMPOSSIBLE so says the head nurse. I say no thanks I would like to try without it. After getting the numbing eye drop in his eye he starts waking up and is acting like Alex. the Dr. or DR's are now very amused and courious Here is a mom who says my child doesn't need drugs ... Hmm. okay. I explain that he's going to go get a picture taken of his brain. And it was a really big camera and he would have to stay very very still so it can take the picture. He thinks this is "Awesome"... So when the lady comes and goes back he holds my hand through the halls and smiles. I tell him now we'll know how smart he is, and if he really knows his ABC's. He gets on the table was a little scarred at first, but mommy is there. I put on the big apron and hold his hands. Up and in the big circle he goes, they tell him to close his eyes and don't move. He does just that. Perfect. The nurses are highly impressed. A 4 year old who didn't move and he's not drugged. You can just see the wheels running in his head. As we go back to the room .. He goes oh no I forgot to tell the camera my ABC's. I told him it was okay... The camera could see it. "Awesome" once more. So we sit in the room. The dr. comes back to discharge him saying everything looks perfect on that he did such a great job. The nurse who instisted we had to drug him, comes in and discharges him holding back the she was wrong thing. We leave.. of course a few hours has passed. but before we leave Alex had to find out if he could have a pair of those cool gloves. So they oblige him and let him have a pair. As he walks out smiling form ear to ear. He says Thank you and Bye to all the Dr's and nurses who helped him. It's late. We get a bite to eat and go home.

This morning I call his ped. and we go for a follow up to an eye dr. Thankfully Eyes heal extreamly quick. (God made our bodies so amazing) After he stopped rubbing his eye and once he went to sleep and his eyes were closed his eye was able to close back up. The dr. had to look with a strong magnification to find the tear which is now a tiny scratch. : ) Mommy is so happy. He says there is no sign on infection so we don't even have to do the eye drops the ER gave us. : ) Alex didn't like them anyways.
And thus is our trip to the ER again.. with Alex.

Poppy says Alex needs a football helmet to wear outside. That way his head and face is protected. Maybe he's right.. Who knows. But so Thankfully God is watching out for him and my others.
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