Saturday, December 13, 2008



Monday: All 3 boys are not feeling well. Anthony sounded horable with a wheezy cough.

Tuesday: Start of at the Dr. and then we ran a lot of errands with Grammy. Boys checked out okay just extreamly congested. Alex has a little fluid on ears but nothing to be concerned about.
Happy mommy because I really hate antibiotics.
After going by Aunt Ruth's house ---> I told the boys do not go near Miya with your colds. Stay in the living room. Okay mom says to little boys. But mom she's so tiny and cute and I have to see her. This is from Anthony. Only if you don't breath on her. you are full of germs.. After being there awhile I look to see Anthony. He has taken a huge deep breath, just outside of Aunt Ruth's room, steps inside peeps onto the bed where Miya is laying now only 4 days old. Steps back out into the hall and lets out all the air and starts coughing.. Well, he says you told me not to breath on her. Gotta smile.
Next stop was getting some food at CiCi's of course. Then to Target to get some medicine and other things. Great Anthony's isn't in... UGHHHHHHH...... soooo off to drop Grammy off at Sutton's so she can be there till mom gets home. I drive across town to the church. Where I find a sister.. Hmmmm....
I put the boys down for naps, and start to work on the Awana Christmas store. There for awhile. Back to Aunt Ruth's, pick up Grammy, go to Lowe's to get some paint (for the boys room) and back to the church. Then we met up with Pappa at I-Hop. and home.. sure was a long day..
WEDNESDAY: Wake up, everyone seems to be sick with somthing. Mommy is so tired. Someone was up all night coughing and mommy taking care of them or listening to see she needed too.. Anthony is trying hard to be a good big brother. Mommy come here....okay just a minute.. trying so hard to get up out of bed. Finally I do.. and what do I find.. 5 steps out of my room.. "It Empty".. "Huh, what's empty Avery?" ... "This" (holds up large baby powder bottle)
OHHHHHHH NOOOOOOO It's not even 8:00 yet... So to Anthony's room I go.. Find a "Bonfire" made by Alex, you name it, and it was on Anthony's floor. and Aver's Empty was all over the bed and other areas of the room.. Daddy hears mommy's UGHHHHHHHHHHH and comes out.. What is.... and he sees what is... FUN.. Not really...
So then we Mommy, Grammy, and the 4 kids get in the car. We go to a store get some supplies for tonight. Go pick up Jordan and Jori, to their house. to the church. Mommy runs to the store ALONE : ) ooops got in a line that won't swipe cards.. UGGGGGG... Jump in car, get a pizza.. drive to church. Throw 3 boys and Jori in my car.. Drive to Maria... someone parked in front of me.. How am I to get out (would have to see to understand) Made it to church @ 6.. Good we are on time... Get the kids to Awana.. and back across town to Grammy.. Help with Awana store. and then Daddy and Poppa arrive with 3 little boys in tow.... we leave late.. get to bed late...

Thursday: I get up early and go to Jennifer's even though we are cleaning and organizing it really was a break for me... Then I did carpool pick up. then to Target (Terry relized I'd forgotten the prescription last night), back to Jennifer's. Terry text says I'm on my way home.. I head to Aunt Ruth's and help her with a few things.. say hi to little Miya.. shhhh Shianne was sleeping.. Valarie is now feeling horrible.. Eyes are red red water and swollen. She looks so bad. She's all stuffy and running a low fever..... and has "The Cough" get home early okay.. depends how you see 2AM...

FRIDAY: Mom wakes me up.... huh.. what oh yeah. give me a few minutes and send the boys home..... 4 sick kids and house needs clean = call Terry.. "can you come home early?" So he does and helps with boys.. Nap time.. Yeah.. I can.. nope now that 2 is asleep 3 has woken up crying.. his ear hurt.. great... Give him some medicine hold a wimpering hurting little Avery in my arms who is cold but running 102..... I fall asleep in the rocking chair... Wake up. Lay Avery in my bed. Other boys getting up.. "Mom where is the key".. "Alex you don't need the key we aren't painting today"... I thought that was the end.. "Mom, Alex is hammering the wall".. I go look.. NOOOOOOO, steam is coming out of mommy... tired this is soooo not funny sight.. Alex is covered in Blue paint.. well his shirt and hands are. He has painted a blue square (it's supposed to be green), painted a wall blue, painted toys, it's everywhere.. Daddy hears mommy yelling.. I was far from the wonderul mommy at the time.. Daddy helps me clean it up.. I put all the paint away until futher notice. Fix supper. boys to bed. Daddy gets mommy some Finca's and I pass out... sorta.. Anthony wakes up crying his ear hurts bad.....

SATURDAY: I was supposed to go to Jennifer's again.. but.. Hmmm what is that sound..running water, thunking. oh Terry must be in the kitchen doing dishes.. hmmm.. sleep.. sleep.. Eyes wide open.. Jump up.. (just remembered Terry is at work), Avery is at the sink with my glass gallon jar for tea.. I catch it just before it trys to fall from the cabinet.. "What are you doing?""Making juice" I look at the time it was 7:23am we go to my room, Valarie is awake, change Avery's pull up, change Valarie's diaper, she's warm again, get medicine and temp... pick her up.. gross just got threw up on and it was mostly yellow mucas she had swallowed... "thank you avery" he'd got mommy a towel.... things calm down.. call Jennifer, Anthony wakes up, still coughing but feeling better. I finally go check on Alex, He looks at me.. "Alex are you okay"... shakes head no and throws up on me.. that's 2.. "Alex run to the bathroom to do that." He tries but stops again and gets it on the floor.. Clean this up.. Find Alex standing with his head in the tub.. okay... Put him back to bed in my bed.. Valarie is back asleep... What a morning and it's only 9:00 ... The day continues.. Cough, cough, mommy I don't feel good. Mommy I want juice.. Mommy.. Mommy.. Time for naps after a late breakfast/lunch... But I'm not tired says all 3 boys.. "Don't care lay down and see if your eyes want a nap" and now it's just pass 2. Avery is crying in my lap with his ear again. and Alex just woke up. Valarie woke up and Anthony is still asleep and he was the worse I'm not tired.. .

Soooo... Just thought If you thought your week was long.. check out mine.. and smile.

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