Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nature Walk in the Woods

So this past Sunday afternoon, since the weather was nice we went for a walk. We had this pamphlet about a "Woodsy" Nature Trail in our area. SOOOO  we went for it. Took a backpack with our nature supplies, some water and tennis shoes.  

   The trail started out nice and easy...  with no obstacles.

We found some purple berries everywhere. Later found out the name was American Beauty Berry....  I kept thinking bet these would make a pretty dye for an outfit... but had nothing to put any in.. 
Must go back for some. 

We found stuff growing on trees... We think this was Lichens 

And soon found many obstacles. Including a barbed wire fence you had to cross.. yep said "fence crossing" on the map...  

The trail got a bit more interesting as we found lots and lots of bones. 

 Even some winged plants. 

We found some sort of something. And had to cut it open.. 
thankfully someone remembered a pocket knife : )

Grub 2 pulled out the handy dandy Nature Book. So he could figure out the  best places to look for a Wood Frog.. but he never did find one. 

At the end of trail we got to see a cabin. I must say we were a tad disappointed in the "cabin"

On the way back we found a spot were Fairies like sleep, but no fairies were there.. 

And one sweet Bali had to be carried as she was all tuckered out from such a long hike in the woods. 

At the end we went into the valley part and were stunned see a real live BIGFOOT.... and if you look there's even a little Big Foot too... 

of course all the Grubs thought it was way cool.. 


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