Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How to Sleep Like a KID

If you are Alex.... You will take your arms put them inside your t-shirt and sleep near the air vent underneath your bed. WHY? because he doesn't want to mess up his bed.. LOL.. this is what he said. His bed is made and he doesn't want it to get all messed up. Solotion sleep underneath.
If you are like Anthony.. then it's a different story.. You will fight sleep, until you just can't any longer. Toss and turn in every direction, including that which may have your head hanging off the bed. The blankets will be wrapped completely around you like a cacoon. If you do wake up, you might end up on the floor as you try to untangle. Making your bed the next morning is a job, as nothing is in the right spot at all.
Avery, simply just lays down, Has to have some sort of blanket. Here he has his 1st birthday handprints. To fall asleep you must have your thumb, but once asleep it often falls out. He just curls up and passes out.. sometimes fast sometimes slow.. This night he even forgot to wash his face..

so here you have a few sleeping options.. So if you want to sleep like a kid again.. Go for it.. I have to say I'm like Anthony and Terry is more like Alex and Avery.
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