Summer is most defiently here full force in our neck of the wood. So what have we been doing lately?
1. Finishing up school (now on summer schedule Tuesday & Thursday only)
2. Hanging out at the lake trying to stay cool
3. Visiting with friends
4. Terry has been grilling a lot for us!
5. Trying to keep the A/C off for as long as bearable to keep the elec. bill down.
6. Learning how to get wheat out of our diets.
(seems to be making some tummy problems for a few of us)
7. Grub 2 had a 1 week class of art classes with a fellow homeschooler and loved it.
8. Thinking of what we need to order for next year.
Anyone have APOLOGIA ZOOLOGY 1 text they want to sell cheaply?
9. Getting homeschooling pen pals! We are a little slow on writing, but kids are excieted!
10. Getting ready for birthdays and enjoyed a few birthday parties with friends.
11. Playing in the sprinkler
12. Grub 2 found a turtle which means digging for worms everyday.
13. Getting ready for a yard sale
14. Terry is job hunting, and we are praying for God to show us were to go,
even if that means another state.
so see we are not busy at all! However I wanted to share a few video's of what is going on around here.
The first is of Grub 2's turtle he found with Daddy on his fishing trip.
Here is one of the worm hunting going on:
And here is one of Grub 1 singing one of his favorite songs:
I hope the summer season is finding each of you staying cool and having fun!